Thursday, April 30, 2009

In China during the Ming and Qing dynasties, footbinding was done to represent the lotus flower?

Whats so significant about the lotus flower?

I dont see anything special about it...

In China during the Ming and Qing dynasties, footbinding was done to represent the lotus flower?
China has a lot of Buddhists. I think this will help.

Between the mountains there were many rivers, flowing in all directions along 100 different routes, moving slowly downhill, without waves. The rivers were shallow and their banks weren't steep, making them easy to ford. The water in them was clean and pure, and flowers floated on the surface in abundance. The currents were full of them.

The lotus was the first flower appearing in a world of water

Legend says that when the Buddha was born, he walked seven steps in ten directions and with each step a lotus flower appeared. Look closely at the soles of his feet when you see a statue of Buddha — you may see the imprint of the lotus
Reply:Foot binding was wide spread. It was supposed to be erotic. It was called the Lotus Flower because the foot resembled the flower of the lotus after binding. It has been outlawed for years.

Interesting question.

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