Saturday, November 19, 2011

Im getting my first tattoo tonight and im very nervous. Any tips?

Im getting a lotus flower on my foot.

Im getting my first tattoo tonight and im very nervous. Any tips?
No pain killers. Really. No alcohol either. Both are bad before a session, and inferior to the endorphin reactions. Worse, they can inhibit that natural response. One minute you're fine, next the whatever you took wears off and, well, the artist is still working.

A light meal about an hour beforehand will help immensely with blood sugar levels. See if you can keep a bottle of water handy. Some are not keen on coffee as it makes you jittery, plus you need to pee more often. I'm back %26amp; forth on the subject of caffeine, personally.

The statement 'remember to breathe' is due to people's tendency to hold their breathe when in a painful situation. You can hold it quite a while under those situations, enough to pass out.

Bring a chatty friend or an ipod. Don't be afraid to ask for a break if you really need one, but if it's a pain issue early on try to tough out at least the first 15 minutes. Endorphins tend to kick in by then.

Remember how cool the tattoo is going to look. :)

Remember that it really isn't that bad. The pain isn't trivial, and the foot is a daring place to start, but if it really were all that bad would a wuss like me get all this work?
Reply:good. just don't get drunk, or you'll be bleeding like a stuck pig. its good to feel nervous, but like anything else nothing cures fear like first hand experience. the foot is not going to be a terribly painful place to get a tattoo, and if you didn't know they are addictive. so you'll probably wind up get another one at some point in time, and then you'll know what it feels like, its really no big deal. they only pierce three or four of the seven layers of your skin. it feels to me like a very tiny precise series of incisions across my skin not a pain, but a small price your paying for a permanent piece of art on your skin.
Reply:Meditate beforehand to calm your nerves.

Do not drink any coffee or anything with caffeine in it for the rest of the day or else it will be tough to sit still. Bring water with you.

Make sure you approve of the design and placement beforehand. Do not be afraid to tell your artist that you want it slightly higher or maybe a tad over to the left. They are asking you to make sure you like it and will gladly move it wherever you want it.

Remember to stay calm.

When the needle goes in, slowly breath out. They say the oxygen helps the pain. I think it is just you paying attention to your breathing instead of the pain.

If you concentrate on how much the pain hurts then it will hurt that much worse.

Remember to make sure you know full well how to take care of your new ink before you leave. Grab the shop's phone number for any questions you may have tomorrow or the next day.

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Try to enjoy yourself.

Good luck.
Reply:there is no real reason to be nervous.. getting a tattoo can be compared to scrapping your arm... i got my first one just over a year ago and truthfully it reminded me of a deep stimulating massage.. i actually fell asleep during part of it.. the needles don't go in far just enough to pigment the skin.. the thing that might make you scared is the buzzing of the gun.. but after the first 15 mins you get use to it... mine took a total of 7.5 hours... (2 sittings) just keep talking to the artist and let them know if you need a break during your sitting...
Reply:Be clam! Im getting one tomorrow. I have plently of expierence with tattoos and piercings, but it still always makes me nervous, and for all the holes in my ears, I cant watch other people get pierced, haha.

Its totally normal.

Be sure you have some water and you ate a GOOD meal beforehand (I found that out when I got my cartilage pierced and then almost fainted).

On your foot, its going to hurt. Usually chatting helps me. Most artists are very friendly, so dont be afraid to ask all the questions you want, and have them talk you through it.

Hope all goes well! Good luck!
Reply:When I got mine I took three tylenol beforehand, which doesn't thin your blood like advil, etc. It took the edge off in a big way! When I got my second tattoo I remembered how easy the first was and didn't take the tylenol. Big mistake, it hurt a lot more without it. For my third, I took tylenol again!

I also took some hard candy to suck on the whole time to keep my blood sugar up. Don't know if it really played a big part, but my experience went incredibly well so it can't hurt!
Reply:When I got mine, I took a bottle of water with me. I took deep breaths and just relaxed. I would definitely agree that the anticipation is worse than actually getting it.

Also, something that helped for me. I had a friend there, so I told her to just keep talking to me about stuff to keep me distracted. It worked :-)
Reply:Dont listen to that other girls suggestion about drinking alcohol! Alcohol thins your blood, so if your drink it beforehand, you will bleed ALOT more. Just stay calm, drink water, take a pain reliever before if you have to, and just think of how it will all be worth it!
Reply:make sure and eat before you go, you dont want to get lightheaded! also drink water, make sure you are well hydrated. I have stars on the top of my foot, you will love your foot tattoo! relax and think about the end result! good luck!!!
Reply:get plenty of water, and bring something cold to drink after its finished. calm down and don't worry about it too much. the anticipation is much worse than actually getting it done.
Reply:Yea I would take Ibuprofen or Advil (something) about 30 minutes before you begin the tattoo.

Also, try to remain as calm as possible.

Talking to the artist does help!
Reply:take a few pieces of hard candy or something with you, or fruit juice that you can eat/drink just to keep your blood sugar up incase you feel like you're gonna pass out.

good luck!
Reply:Take advil/motrin 20-30 minutes before your appointment
Reply:Try not to think about it to much to where you get sick. Just breath. Dont get all freaked out.
Reply:Have a coulpe shots of hard liquor first

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