Sunday, November 15, 2009

I need urgent help! I need some clues and answers for treasure hunt games for kids aged 2-10, please?

I'm busy planning my son's 1st birthday party, There will be a lot of kids and their family attending. The party will be boring without games. So I really would want to do a treasure hunt games as well as other which I have covered. It is treasure hunt that has been so difficult to plan or organize as I don't have the time and idea to do it. So please help me....

And another thing, the treasure hunt can take place indoor and outdoor as in the garden space, but not outside the main gate for safety purposes.

p/s: I have trees, flowers and a lotus flower pond in my garden

Thanks a lot in advanced people...

I need urgent help! I need some clues and answers for treasure hunt games for kids aged 2-10, please?
Well if you are trying to figure out what to hide, you could buy some stuff that your son and the guests really like. Then you can tell them that whatever they find they get to keep. Therefore, it still makes the game a challenge, but will give the kids a determination to find things. So you will have to ask the guests parents what they like. I would advise you to make it something that all the guests will like if they find it. (boys and girls) Another idea is to find candy and you get to keep your candy that you find, but also whoever gets the most candy, gets a special toy.
Reply:You should have the treasure hunt be leading to either the cake or treat for the party or the party bags. Split kids into groups and if your son dosn't want to be competetive, have everyone look. Have each treasure be a puzzle piece that when all are found and put together, is a map that leads to the treasure. Let kids go under things, in closets, or in low or high parts of a tree.

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