Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Which wrist tattoo idea do you like better??

- an outline of a lotus flower?


(or maybe i should save a lotus tattoo for colors somewhere else on me???)

- a WHITE dove with olive branch??


- an ankh??


-eye of horus??


AND i dont wna hear it needs to mean something!! ALLLL of these have a special meaning to me and i want all of them eventually....i'm just trying to decide which i would like on my wrist....

and im thinking IF i got the ankh or eye of horus on my wrist i'd do them a diff color..not just BLACK...

your thoughts!?!!!!

Which wrist tattoo idea do you like better??
Are you egyption or something like that cause i know from social studies egyptions are like big worshipers and i understand how all these are very important to you.

I would go with the lotus flower it is very pretty =)
Reply:I have

NO LIES on one wrist.


on the other wrist.

You should do something like that, without what I have one there.

Like with other words (:
Reply:there all nice symbols.

For something to be right out there for lots of poeple to see i would go with the lotus flower, its dainty and pretty and you wont have loads of stupid questions about it.

I do like th elotus for the wrist the best... but of course its your body!
Reply:i really like the lotus or the white dove.
Reply:Whichever one you do, make sure you can use a watch to cover it up when you go to work.
Reply:someone likes egypt, well personally id go for lotus because it has a less significant meaning then the others. people are goin to ask you what they mean (egyption people might think something of it, bein quarter myslf i think its a bit iffy) and the thing about tattoos is that they need some significance to you and have a meaning, sure you could just like the design, but you should make this decision yourself not askin for other people opinions, its your arm not any one elses. you might get the eye done on someone elses opinion, but you might end up regretting it and wanting the ankh. if your a christian though or made peace with something, consider the dove.
Reply:sorry about the people who don't read the question, and all the ignorance..

and now to the question, i love all of them, but i think the ankh would look awkward on the wrist, the rest of them (which ever you choose) will look good IMO. my favorite would have to be the lotus [colored in (as someone above me has said)]
Reply:honestly I like the outline of the lotus flower better..

I personally think wrist tattoo's are the craziest tattoo's people get.. I have a friend that has to wear large band-aides on her wrist every single day while she is at work because of her wrist tattoo's violate her works tattoo policy..

Point is, when she got the tattoo's they were "hot" and "cool" but now they are a nuisance to her because of the placement, not the design..

In 10 years when you are trying to get a "professional" job, they will haunt you.
Reply:i'm partial to the dove b/c im christian but the flower one is really cool too
Reply:I think that the lotus flower is the prettiest, especially if you get it in a light pink color.
Reply:i like the dove but it depends if you mean on the inside or outside of your wrist
Reply:Those are really ugly. Not a fan.

Make up your mind BEFORE you get inked, okay?
Reply:I think the dove would look great on the inside of your wrist!
Reply:If all of these have meaning to you then for the wrist I'd go with the eye of the horus or the dove. I actually have a dove tattoo on my foot but it worked better there because i did a cloud and star background piece to it....

The lotus flower needs to be somewhere that you can add more detail and color to it and the wrist is a small area..{maybe even the foot} =]

The ankh that could work on the wrist but in a small version but i'd still think that would look better either on your shoulder, your chest or maybe your neck or somewhere like that.

My personal opinion - would be the eye of the horus on the wrist and really i'd do it all black maybe with some grey shading or something to make it stand out or even color in the eye to your favorite color or something....that would be hot!!!!
Reply:I love the horus one!! My english teacher actually has the ankh on one wrist and a eye of horus on the other. They look awesome on her!
Reply:Well if they al mean something why not get them all but in different spots?
Reply:IMHO the lotus with color would be the classiest of those designs for a wrist tat.
Reply:outline of a lotus flower
Reply:i like the ankh specially for what it stands for LIFE!!!

and goddess used to have it in their fingertips....also it was used as an amulet.

It's cute,small, meaningful, historical, I would say this a good selection.

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