Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the national flower of abu dhabi?

like national flower of india is LOTUS.

What is the national flower of abu dhabi?
None as of now.

Visit the site below to understand the reason -
Reply:They import all their flowers
Reply:Is there any blossings???
Reply:None declared so far as national flower of UAE.

(you shuld have written as 'flower of UAE'. Abu Dhabi is not any country. it is a city in UAE and no city would have "national' flower)

1 comment:

  1. There is still no official flower for the United Arab Emirates, it has yet to be announced. Although Tribulus omanense is one contender. There are many other contenders such as the following:

    Convolvulus deserti, Capparis cartilaginea, Farsetia aegyptiaca, Helichrysum somalense, Gymnarrhena micranthus, Echiochilon thesigeri, Salsola rubescens, Launaea spinosa and the Anvillea garcinii.

    Read more:
