Monday, May 11, 2009

Can someone give me some links on cute azz ankle tattoos..thinking lotus flower,..stars...something?

You need to check out tattoo places in your area. You don't just need a good design, you want a good artist who can show you pictures of his or her work to know they can do it right.

Can someone give me some links on cute azz ankle tattoos..thinking lotus flower,..stars...something?
I'd go and chat with a tattoo artist about your likes and dislikes, they know far better than we could talk you what would work for you and your body size, shape etc.
Reply:I just gave my artist an idea and he sketched a really nice piece on me. It starts on the outside of my right ankle and comes down my foot. Its cherry blossoms in black outline with a really neat fade/shade effect with some pedals drifting off the blossoms. But anyway, I think you should look at for some ideas and you dont neccesarily have to get the same tat that you see just look for some things that fit your style, interests, lifestyle, etc and give the idea to a local artist and see what they can fix up for you...
Reply:This site is really cool. Not only does it give you great ideas but it has a try it out package that sends you a really cool paper where you can print it off and place it where you want it to make sure you like it. This fake tattoo can last up to two weeks. Then you can buy the drawings from $9.00 to $15.00 depending on the artist who drew it.

Then you can bring this design to the tattoo shop and they should use this design.

Just read the site its great!!
Reply:I have a rosary bead that is all twisty and stuff.its really not exactly the religious type but it has a very special meaning to me.
Reply:Please....before you get some "cataloged" tattoo...seriously consider what you love, and have someone design it for you. Often a good artist will design one for you, and have original designs to sort of give you an idea of the type of work they are good at.
Reply:Small lizard
Reply:How about different coloured elephants connecting tail to trunk all the way around. I always wanted to get that but I am a chicken lol
Reply:Is there any chance you can draw? Or have a really good printer?

I recently had my foot and ankle tattooed with different flowers and stars on a vine all connecting. I decided to design it myself so went on the search for flowers I liked. I ended up finding flowers for birth signs and got one for me, my parents and my brother. I love this tattoo so much and love looking at it!!! It is truly beautiful. Probably because it's everything I wanted! I was lucky enough to have the tattooist use my exact design as he said it was perfect!

If you're not that way inclined you could just print off pictures and ask a tattooist to do something with them for you. This is a much better idea than paying for a design that every tom, dick and harry has access to!

Good luck!!!

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