Monday, May 11, 2009

Why does the Goddess Lakshmi sit on a lotus flower?

Thank you.


Why does the Goddess Lakshmi sit on a lotus flower?
LAKSHMI IS NEVER SEEN SITTING OR STANDING ON A WHITE LOTUS. IT IS PINK LOTUS. who ever said before me as white lotus and as symbol of purity are wrong.

No coming to the question -

Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. The word ''Lakshmi'' is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksme, meaning "goal." Lakshmi, therefore, represents the goal of life, which includes worldly as well as spiritual prosperity. In Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi, also called Shri, is the divine spouse of Lord Vishnu and provides Him with wealth for the maintenance and preservation of the creation.

In Her images and pictures, Lakshmi is depicted in a female form with four arms and four hands. She wears red clothes with a golden lining and is standing on a lotus. She has golden coins and lotuses in her hands. Two elephants (some pictures show four) are shown next to the Goddess. This symbolism conveys the following spiritual theme:

The four arms represent the four directions in space and thus symbolize omnipresence and omnipotence of the Goddess. The red color syinbolizes activity. The golden lining (embroidery) on Her red dress denotes prosperity. The idea conveyed here is that the Goddess is always busy distributing wealth and prosperity to the devotees. The lotus seat, which Lakshmi is standing upon, signifies that while living in this world, one should enjoy its wealth, but not become obsessed with it. Such a living is analogous to a lotus that grows in water but is not wetted by water.

The four hands represent the four ends of human life: dharma (righteousness), kama (genuine desires), artha (wealth), and moksha (liberation from birth and death). The front hands represent the activity in the physical world and the back hands indicate the spiritual activities that lead to spiritual perfection.

Since the right side of the body symbolizes activity, a lotus in the back right hand conveys the idea that one must perform all duties in the world in accordance with dharma. This leads to moksha (liberation), which is symbolized by a lotus in the back left hand of Lakshmi. The golden coins falling on the ground from the front left hand of Lakshmi illustrate that She provides wealth and prosperity to Her devotees. Her front right hand is shown bestowing blessings upon the devotees.

The two elephants standing next to the Goddess symbolize the name and fame associated with worldly wealth. The idea conveyed here is that a true devotee should not earn wealth merely to acquire name and fame or only to satisfy his own material desires, but should share it with others in order to bring happiness to others in addition to himself.

Some pictures show four elephants spraying water from golden vessels onto Goddess Lakshmi. The four elephants represent the four ends of human life as discussed above. The spraying of water denotes activity. The golden vessels denote wisdom and purity. The four elephants spraying water from the golden vessels on the Goddess illustrate the theme that continuous self-effort, in accordance with one's dharma and govemed by wisdom and purity, leads to both material and spiritual prosperity.

Goddess Lakshmi is regularly worshipped in home shrines and temples by Her devotees. A special worship is offered to Her annually on the auspicious day of Diwali, with religious rituals and colorful ceremonies specifically devoted to Her. -
Reply:Lotus is a perfect white flower that rises from the slime and stink of a swamp or pond. Hence it denotes purity and triumph.
Reply:The meaning of the lotus in relation to Lakshmi refers to purity AND spiritual power. Rooted in the mud but blossoming above the water, completely uncontaminated by the mud, the lotus represents spiritual perfection and authority.
Reply:And like jesus' words, I am on the earth but not of the earth. Flowers and birds and crystals are messengers to earth from heaven.

We have within us the fertility and abundance of heaven to create on earth
Reply:I have a different point of view in this matter.

The basis of Hinduism is non-violence. Hindu should follow this principle of non-violence at every cost. But during early stages of human civilization, people were of ignorant of this fact and started killing animals to satisfy their carnal desires. So some wiseman starting depicting that the animals are vehicles of God and so should not be harmed. e.g. Mice is vehicle of Lord Ganesha and we believe harming mice is bringing ill-fate as that would upset Lord Ganesha. The same story goes with Cow who is associated with Lord Krishna or Garuda which is associated with Lord Vishnu, Snakes with Lord Shiva and so on. The same is the case with Lotus. Lotus brings life back to Lake and lake looks beautiful due to Lotus. Since everybody wants to enjoy this devine look, and someone thought picking Lotus from lake will destroy its beauty, they associated Pink Lotus with Goddess Lakshmi and White Lotus with Goddess Saraswati. The fact is we all know Ma Laskmi always sits near feets of Lord Vishnu. So where does this Lotus come from.

My suggestion is look at this fact from Hinduism point of view and mythology has nothing to do with.

I hope I have answered your question.
Reply:it is to symbolise that , WEALTH IS UNSTABLE.

u may have seen that any thing falls on lotus will not remain there. it falls down.
Reply:Lotus flower created from the NAVI of Lord Vishnu . so laxmi like lotus.lotus creates from water , laxmi`s father is Sagar,
Reply:Most of the images that the Hindus worship are symbolical. Lord Vishnu is said to be in a state of yoganidhra and his consort, goddess Lakshmi is dwelling in his heart, on the lotus. Lotus is often referred to the seat of various yogic points in the points, which a yoga practitioner is familiar with.
Reply:The lotus motif is a very major ingredient in Hindu theological texts,art and architecture. The vedic verses and other literature use the simile of lotus as the ultimate description of beauty. See RamCharitManas: Sri Ramachandra Kripalu... , the word kanja is repeatedly used to describe the beauty of various parts of the Lord. In Shree Suktam, padme sthitam, padma varnaam,padmini,padmamalini,padmapriya, padmahasa, padmalaya, padmadalayatakshi are the words used.

The upanishads liken the heart as a lotus, in the middle of which the Divinity is supposed to reside. Hridpundareeka is the word used, Hence the seating of Lakshmi, on a lotus flower, also called shatadal, (kamal,rajeeva.ambuj.pankaj etc),a flower with 100 (=umpteen) petals,symbolises the permanant station of the bountiful Mother Goddess in one's heart.
Reply:Excellent artistic canvass transfer of an image resultant to a fertile imagination! It is just like pictures of all Gods we have drawn and were shown, but we have never seen any of them in our life. The flower Lotus represents purity and excellence in creation. Goddess Laxmi deserved to be portrayed that way. In this answer no offence is meant. lileeann33
Reply:All the idol gods are FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is only 1 God and he alone is worthy of worship.

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