Monday, May 11, 2009

I am having difficulty obtaining fresh Lotus flowers in the UK. Where or how I can purchase lotus flowers?

Are you looking to buy just the flower? or the plant?

Lotus is not a traditional cut flower. I don't know how it does as a cut flower. It may not be available. Check with a local "high end" florist, they're more likely to bring in such an exotic flower. Large chains or small independents are most likely targeting mainstream customers.

If you're looking for the plant, it is an aquatic plant. You should be able to find it at a local garden center that sells or specializes in garden ponds or water gardens.

I hope that this helps

I am having difficulty obtaining fresh Lotus flowers in the UK. Where or how I can purchase lotus flowers?
You might try the UK iFlorist site:

*~ Good luck ~*

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