Monday, May 11, 2009

How much should this tattoo cost?

I have a tattoo of a lotus flower about 6 inches in width and 5 inches in height in the center of my back. But because the place i went was a tattoo party I think he kind of messed it up.BIG MISTAKE!!!! I plan on retouching and fixing it and also adding angel wings on the side of it that will go to mid back and a clef note at the bottom of the lotus flower. After doing this I feel like the tattoo will be complete.

The place that im going to now is a actual tattoo parlor that looks great and the artist said that they charge by hour, which is 150. He said that he would probably aim for three hours to complete it because I dont want to get it colored in. Do you think thats to much for a good tattoo? Or is it just right?

How much should this tattoo cost?
There is no price limit for a perfect tattoo.

Do not skimp on the tattoo just because of the price. Tattoos are something that should be exactly what you want and very unique, so go for it and spend the money. No idea what it should cost, but like I said--money should be no object.
Reply:$150/hour is average cost for a quality tattoo shop in a large city.
Reply:is the charge dollars or pesos? i think three hours is ok to have 2 tattoos 6 inches each dont know bout the price though if its dollars. if its pesos than i have to know where that tattoo parlor is
Reply:ok for what your saying. i think he is charging too much.

for cover ups i charge 75$ a hour.

what i have in my head as what you want would take 2 to 2 1/2 hrs

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