Monday, May 11, 2009

Lotus flower tattoo!?

I want a lotuc flower either on my chest right under the collar bone. It will be pretty high not on my breast but over it. Would that look best or what spot should I have it done at. Something tastefull and nice!

Lotus flower tattoo!?
I agree, i think a lotus flower would be super-cute up high on your chest off to one side.....
Reply:I have a lotus flower on my chest. You can view it on in the Jap. folder if you would like to see what it would look like. Just to give you an idea. There are many locations for where you can put that tat.Where it feels right and what you think is right then go for it. Report It

Reply:Wherever you want it, B's Wifey!!! I think something like a lotus would look really pretty wherever!
Reply:i have a flower on my ancle and love it because @ work i can hide it plus it's small. so when I'm swimming or something i can show it off, but when I'm @ work i can hide it!!

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