Monday, May 11, 2009

Lotus Tattoo Overdone?

Hey i love the lotus flower tattoo idea, but it seems a little overdone. I wanted something a little more unique, although I do love the meaning of the lotus flower.

What do you guys think?

Lotus Tattoo Overdone?
Your tattoo should reflect your feelings, not anybody elses. If a Lotus is what shakes your tree, do it, you don't have to get a carbon copy of everyone elses. If your tattooist is worth his salt he can make it look like anything you want it to. A good artist will use a stencil only to stay within the parameters you set out, like size or position, the rest is art in it's purist form! People may own a Van Gogh or a Gauguin, but do they wear it on their body?
Reply:if you like the idea and will like it in another 30/40 years to come then yes.

also, as long as you understand the meaning of it, it is somewhat relevant to you and aren't just getting it done because it looks 'cool' now, go for it .
Reply:Pick what you want because you love it and like what it represents. No one has the same taste in tattoos. Just make sure you pick out something you will like looking at your entire life.
Reply:its a free country

do whatever yuo want.


if u think its alright and ifs its safe

Reply:get a tank blowing up a building
Reply:I don't think its overdone, chinese letters, tribal armbands, and dragons are overdone. Stick to that it seems like you want to get it.
Reply:a yin yang or a fairy perhaps?


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